What is this?The application ANTISTRESS ASSISTANT consists of five audio-visual stress-management programs, instructions, a short stress-test and information aimed for personal use. It is affordable in price, simple to use and highly efficient. When using this application you can achieve and learn at the same time how:• to relax your body• to release your organism from distress• to replace your negative thoughts with positive ones • to launch your personal power of self-healing• to reset your mind to optimal balance, meditation and creative thinkingNeedAt the moment more than billion people in the world use android applications for their needs. Even more people are under stress every day. At the same time stress causes more then 90 % of all diseases. EssenceThis project is a result of years-long experience in the successful professional treatment of stress-related and anxiety disorders. The audio-visual programs represent the unique innovations in the form of self-help virtual products, composed as interactive multilevel mind & body re/set programs. After several minutes of optimal use a user feels completely different!
Expert’s cornerThese programs have been created according to the latest achievements in neurobehavioral science, experience connected with the treatment of stress-related disorders as well as with the well-proven therapeutic methods of mind-reprocessing. The expected positive change after using these products is based on the following seven principles:• Creative visualization• Triple sensation (visual, audio and body)• Reprocessing (cognitive, emotional, visceral and behavioral)• Brain synchronization (mind-body)• Energy release (positive flow)• Self-healing• Aesthetic pleasure
UseThe appropriate use of the audio-visual programs can enable real improvement in stress-management skills as well as in treatment of acute and chronic/working stress disorders, burn-out syndrome, anxiety and panic disorders, phobic reactions, restlessness, decreased mood, energy imbalances and deficits, psychosomatic disorders (increased blood pressure, tachycardia, vegetative visceral reactions and disorders, allergic reactions, endocrine and others), autoimmune disorders, insomnias, headaches, chronic pain, lack of motivation, blocked creativity etc…
AuthorThe author of this project is Zvonko Dzokic. He is a MD, spec. neurologist & psychiatrist, psychoanalytical psychotherapist, consultant and trainer in stress management, EMDR Practitioner, psychodrama trainer, consultant and trainer in HR management, expert consultant in PR, creator of special programs for Art Therapy & Healing Performance, patent inventor, creator of Multifocal Combined Psychotherapy, Multilevel Mental Coaching, Concentric Self-Healing and InInSHD (Interactive Internet Self-help Devices) – see more on http://www.zvonkodzokic.com